Yii Framework Integration GuideΒΆ

Dja comes with YiiDjaController.php which can be used to allow dja template rendering from Yii (http://www.yiiframework.com/).

To get things done please inherit your application base controller (usually components/Controller.php) from YiiDjaController:


// Import dja controller.

class Controller extends YiiDjaController {  // <-- Inherit from YiiDjaController.
    // Your code here.

Now let your controller action methods call $this->render() as usual, just bear in mind that view name param is expected to be in form of a filepath under your [theme] views directory. I.e. to render {views_dir}/subdir/file.html dja expects ‘subdir/file’ from you to be passed as a view name.


Dja will function in debug mode and notify you on template errors if YII_DEBUG = True.