Dja extras

dja_extras.php file from dja package contains functions and classes absent in Django but proved usefull in Dja.


This node class can be used as a template for custom naive if-like tags.

This allows {% if_name_is_mike name %}Hi, Mike!{% else %}Where is Mike?{% endif_name_is_mike %} and alike constructions in templates.

The class exposes registerAsTag method to quick tag registration within a tag library:


require_once 'dja/dja_extras.php';

// Let's suppose we're in the template tags library file.
$lib = new Library();

// This registers `if_name_is_mike` if-like tag.
NaiveIfTemplateNode::registerAsTag($lib, 'if_name_is_mike',
    function ($args, $context) {  // This closure will test value on rendering.
        $name = $args[0];  // Our tag accepts only one argument - `name`.
        return $name->resolve($context)=='Mike';

return $lib;